Update user registration information

How to use

If you click [change user information], the page as shown below is displayed. You can update your name, zip code, address, language, country, currency unit, and map type. When you change the language, all the languages displayed in the system are changed to the specified language. If you change the name of a country, the country displayed on the top page will change. If you change the currency unit, the currency used in the system is updated. The select currency unit is used to convert from one currency to the selected currency at the current exchange rate. You can also change the map type. Currently, two types of maps are supported: Google Map and ESRI Map. If you cannot use Google Map, choose esrimap in maptype. You always need to enter your password and click [SUBMIT] to reflect the selected changes. If you do not enter the correct user password, your information cannot be changed. Moreover, the available features are displayed in ugroup.

Supported languages

Currently supported languages are English, Japanese, Italian, German, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese, Polish, Traditional Chinese chinese, Thai, Turkish, Arabic, and French. After translation by machine translation, human speaker verification work is used together partially. Some translation results may be unnatural because the work is partially applied. The current version of MESHSTATS is experimental. Please understand the current situation.

Supported currencies

The following currencies can be selected: Japanese Yen (JPY), US Dollar (USD), Europen EURO (EUR), Australian Dollar (AUD), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Swiss Franc (CHF), Chinese Yuan (CNY), Czech Koruna (CZK), Danish Krone (DKK), British Pound (GBP), Hong Kong Dollar (HKD), Hungarian Forint (HUF), Indonesia Ringgit (IDR), Israel Skel (ILS), Indian Rupee (INR), South Korea Whong (KRW), Mexican Peso (MXN), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), Norwegian Krone (NOK), New Zealand Dollar (NZD), Philippine Peso (PHP), Poland Zloty (PLN), Romanian Ron (RON), Russian Ruble (RUB), Swedish Krona (SEK), Singapore Dollar (SGD), Thai Baht (THB), Turkish Lira (TRY), and South Afria Land (ZAR).