Create an account

Screen structure

You must create an account before you use the statistics visualization platform MESHSTATS.

To create an account, Create your ID at the bottom left of the top screen as shown in the blow figure.

Prepare to create an account

1. As shown in the following figure, please enter your email address in the E-mail address field. If you press [SUBMIT] button, an email is sent to your your email address.

2. Click a link enclosed in an email sent to your email address and open a form to enter your registration information (valid for 24 hours).

3. Click the link in the email to enter the registration information. Please complete to fill out your required information. If you agree to the Terms of Use, please continue to click [Accept] button.

4. Once the registration process is completed, the email of the application for use will be sent to the registered email address. Please log-in statistics visualization platrom MESHSTATS by using your account ID and password set at the registration.