Data coverage


MESHSTATS can currently provide four types of basic world grid square statistics and data such as 2015 GADM administrative area, Land Usage: National 2013 Global LandCover 15 sec. angle (500m) by Mapping Organization (GLCNMO) (version 3) (c)GLCNMO, elevation: (c) METI ASTER global numerical elevation model (GDEM) third-level world grid square statistics created from (30m x 30m), night-time light intensity: 2012 NASA Night-Time Light Intensity 24-Second Angular Image Data (c) NASA, and Tsunami Hazard: Estimation from past 1000-year NOAA tsunami run-up data and JAXA digital surface model constructed by ALOS (Daichi) World 3D. The data coverage displays a list of country and the number of thrid-level world grid square statistcs available in MESHSTATS. The list includes country code (ISO3166), country or region name, major city name, and the available number of third-level world grid square statistics in each basic dataset.

How to use

A clickable link for main cities is provided with their goegraphic location. If you click it, then the data retrieval screen at a centered location of the selected city will be displayed .